Mobile App Development Cost in 2022: A Complete Guide

Mobile App Development Cost in 2022: A Complete Guide
So, the question that now has to be answered is: Which platform? The following comparison between iOS and Android reveals the solution to this query:

Today's mobile-first society makes mobility a digital reality, with 51% of internet users using their phones to make online purchases. Thus, mobile applications remain a top priority for businesses looking to draw in, hold the attention of, and please their target audience.

Android App Development Cost

IPhone App Development Cost

Companies have the expertise to create, release, and maintain desktop and web apps. Additionally, they have created models to estimate their cost. The cost to construct an app won't be able to be estimated using these conventional techniques because mobile apps are unique.

What Is the Price to Build an App?

As per Statista report of Q2 2021, users downloaded about 28 billion apps from Google Play Store and about 7.9 million from the App Store. Additionally, by the end of 2022, US consumers will spend around $34 billion and even more on apps via the app stores.

As recorded in 2021, worldwide, there are about 7.1 billion app users. Every smartphone user has installed about 35 and more apps on their devices. Out of those, they uninstall some because of some issues like performance. Still, nothing has stopped the growth of the mobile app development industry. The global app revenue of about $581 billion in 2020 is expected to reach nearly $808 billion in 2022.

Users spend an average of three hours and fifteen minutes on their phones each day, with the top 20 percent of smartphone users using their devices for upwards of four and a half hours. This statistic is not so shocking when you consider how deeply smartphones have ingrained themselves in our daily lives. A mobile app is your ticket to the fast lane if you want to advance your company. This mobile app development trend shows no signs of slowing down.

The price of creating a mobile app relies on a number of factors, including:

Business Plan

The importance of having a business model is crucial for mobile app development in today's competitive world where we use a wide range of mobile applications every day. This ultimately plays a critical role in determining the cost to construct an app. You must first determine how the average app development cost will fit into your overall business model before starting the process of estimating that cost.

What is a business model, then?

Simply put, it involves a variety of elements such as identifying the target market and their problems, providing better solutions, turning to sales as a direct source of income, etc., and, most importantly, understanding that your customers are the most crucial element in your business model and prioritising their needs.

For instance, because eBay prioritised quantity over quality, it struggled to gain the trust of its clients. Additionally, it failed to seize the market while Walmart and Amazon experienced tremendous success with their exclusive debuts. Due of its inability to comprehend its customer base, eBay has gradually lost market share.

The type of app you intend to produce is strongly influenced by all the business model aspects, which work together to directly affect the overall project cost for developing mobile applications. Be aware that business model innovation, not product innovation, distinguishes market makers from market takers.

App Type

Making a fantastic idea for a product or service mobile-friendly is a different undertaking than simply having a great idea.

Your mobile app development team will need to conduct research on a number of technologies after developing a solid business concept. Next, carefully choose the suitable application since it will have a big impact on the entire cost to produce an app with your project manager and the partner. An app can be categorised in the following ways depending on its level of complexity:

Web App

It is a mobile version of a website, not strictly a mobile app. Responsive design, which is based on the idea of "mobile-friendliness," is used to guarantee a fluid user experience across a range of screen sizes, from tablets to smartphones. 85 percent of smartphone users prefer applications over mobile webpages due to the latter's constrained functionality and inferior performance when compared to native apps. Of all the options, this is by far the most affordable and straightforward.

A Native App

There are a number of programmes that try to strike the ideal balance between usability and performance. These programmes are developed in languages specific to the operating system of the target device, such as Swift or Objective C for iOS and Java or Kotlin for Android. The most complex apps are native ones, but because they are created and optimised for a particular platform, they run well. As a result, native apps also end up being pricey.

Cross-Platform/Hybrid App

This strategy, which was developed using a blend of web and native technologies, is best suited to meet the requirements of a sizable audience. Although they have lower development and maintenance costs than alternative methods, native apps are still preferred because of their greater access to smartphone hardware. They can operate without issue on all OS, including Windows, iOS, and Android.


The Stair-Step Approach, in which a lengthy successful journey begins with a single and simpler step, should be used when developing mobile applications. The optimal strategy appears to be to create an app for both platforms at the same time, but that turns out to be a costly and hazardous strategy. For instance, Instagram, which was first made available to iOS users in 2010, was only made available to Android users in 2014.

Market portion

In 2012, iOS appeared to have an advantage over Android in the global mobile market with a share of 61 percent. But things have changed significantly, and by 2022 Android is predicted to control 86.2 percent of the global mobile market, which is roughly six times more than iOS (13.8 percent ).

The fact that there are now three possible consumers rather than just one should be taken into account when choosing a platform to create your own app.

Development Difficulty

When deciding which platform to use, the problem of fragmentation is crucial. On the one hand, Apple only has a small selection of iOS-based devices (the iPhone, iPad, and iPod), most of which have been upgraded to the most recent version (iOS 11). On the other hand, Android-powered smartphones and tablets come in a wide range of sizes and aspect ratios. It implies that your app must be appropriate for each of them. Furthermore, there isn't an operating system that more than 50% of Android device owners utilise on the Android platform.

publication procedure

It can be assumed that designing iOS apps is quicker and less expensive. However, once your app is finished and ready to go into the global market, one critical step that must be completed is submitting the software to the app store, which increases the cost of app development slightly.

To post your software to Google Play Store without going through a drawn-out and rigorous review process, you must pay a one-time $25 fee. Once the app is live, Google Play Store will also keep 30% of any sales made through it.

On the other hand, the Apple Program Store, which charges a $99 annual fee, puts your app through a rigorous vetting process. Additionally, you pay a 30% cut of any purchases made through the apps. As a result, when it comes to the publishing process, Android is a clear victor.

Developing Period

After reading the aforementioned texts, it is clear that iOS apps can be developed more quickly than Android apps. iOS development is around 40% faster when compared to Android. Fragmentation is once more the cause. As a result, it costs less on average to produce an iOS app than an Android app.

Mobile applications are ultimately a business. So, the main purpose of your app and the targeted target market will choose which platform to use. You must first have an effective marketing strategy if you want to succeed.


Planning a home is quite similar to estimating the cost of developing an app. As more features are added, the base pricing for the kind of software you want to design continues rising. There is almost no limit to what a mobile app can achieve as they develop further and farther. As a result, it is impossible to assign a precise cost; it could be anything from a few hundred dollars to a few million.

Putting A Price On A Few Core Features

When creating your estimate, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of app development, the features that may be added, and the technology that support them. Let's give a quick breakdown of how much it costs to construct an app based on the types of features that make up a typical mobile app, using base hour pricing as $25 and maximum hour price as $50:

Additional Properties to Consider

This is merely a breakdown of some of the typical components that go together to create typical mobile apps. Of course, there are other considerations that influence the difficulty and expense of developing an app. Here are a few examples:

if an internet connection will be required for the application. The app's pricing scheme (e.g. free vs subscription-based payment vs. single-purchase model.) if the app will need back-end assistance.

Development and Design

We have covered a number of crucial determinants of app development costs. But who you choose also has a significant impact on how much it costs to create an app!

While it may seem practical and cost-effective to hire independent contractors and novices, doing so could end up costing you more in the long term. There are many freelancers available, but their skill level and reliability may be seriously in doubt.

On the other side, large businesses with seasoned developers charge more than independent contractors. They offer experience and a guarantee to the table, both of which are critical for a successful mobile app. These businesses are prepared to handle all of your mobile app demands. They can also properly familiarise themselves with the business model at the same time.

Compared to other possibilities, hiring an experienced mobile app development business will cost you more money, but the project will be completed on schedule and with consistency and expertise. Find out more about our dependable app development services.


Google debuted Flutter in 2017, and it quickly rose to prominence as one of the most dependable cross-platform frameworks. Developers can create mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase thanks to Flutter. Flutter is ranked as the top cross-platform framework by Statista and is among the top 10 most popular frameworks overall.

Why Do Business Owners Pick Flutter?

You might be curious as to why developing startups select Flutter. The result of the following gives the causes of the high cost of creating a Flutter app. The following advantages make Flutter an affordable choice for developing apps:

  • Lesser cost for application developmet
  • Lesser testing time
  • Better resource management
  • Better UI experience
  • Reusability of code
  • Community support
  • Free and open source

Flutter App Development Cost at FODUU

FODUU can be your trustworthy Flutter app development partner if you're looking to hire a committed Flutter App Developer with over 10 years of experience at a competitive price. Flutter developer is a service that FODUU offers both hourly and monthly. If you are looking for assistance with a team of qualified Flutter developers, there’s a special package.

Flutter Support and Maintenance

The benefits and drawbacks of the app can be examined once it has been developed and launched. Since the app needs continuing flutter application maintenance support based on users' comments, the Play store deployment of the Flutter application does not serve its intended function. Therefore, you can also engage a Flutter developer to maintain your current Flutter app at a reasonable fee in order to avoid mistakes in the future.

Mobile App Development Cost

Despite this, determining the cost of creating a Flutter App is not an easy task. The complexity of the project, the resources you need, the developers' locations, the length of the development cycle, and the QA time all have an impact on the price.

Depending on the features, functionality, and complexity of your Flutter app, the development cost could start at $99 or Rs 5000 (Indian currency). The price of using Flutter will depend on the project. Get in contact with us to create a one-of-a-kind application that satisfies your company needs if you intend to construct a feature-rich Flutter application.

Final Thoughts on App Creation Cost

Since the cost of developing an app affects the overall health of the company, it is crucial to evaluate this cost.

In the essay, we covered five crucial facets of app development. They are the following: business model, platform, functionality, app types, and development. Now that you have the knowledge necessary, you should be able to create a strong, high-quality software that stays within your budget.

Contact us & Talk to our Experts and Let’s Take Your Business to the Next Level Together!